Sunday, April 24, 2016

Illinois Budget Cuts Slash Food Stamps

On April 23rd, praise be to God, we at ICNA Relief Chicago distributed food to 245 families. Many thanks to the 20 volunteers who helped. As the only national Muslim organization serving our most vulnerable neighbors, right here in the US, we are counting on being your #1 choice for charity, in Ramadan, and through the year, inshaAllah. Ameen! As Illinois budget cuts take from the poorest, yet again, it becomes even more incumbent for the community to be there for their brothers and sisters who are hurting the most.

Monday, April 11, 2016

ICNA Relief Attributes 70 Percent of Accomplishments to its Volunteers

Displaying Many hands working together ligDisplaying hten the load. As we mentioned at the April 10 ICNA Relief Banquet this year, this saying is at the heart of ICNA Relief’s accomplishments. 70 percent of our services are possible because of volunteers, while a 100 percent of our services depend on donors like yourself. This year, the ICNA Relief “Excellence in Community Service” Award went to various youth groups for taking the initiative and rising to serve those hurting the most in our community. including United Muslim Relief, UIC: (Relive the event with more pictures on  Facebook)